In addition, Follow Up functionality is available for those with Editor access to the mail file. 另外,对邮件文件具有Editor访问权的用户也可以使用FollowUp功能。
The purpose of this view in your mail file is to let you view, edit, and create the standard responses. 邮件文件中该视图的用途是使您可以查看、编辑和创建标准回复。
Ted, even though he is using the same template, can opt to use the new Lotus Domino Web Access Lite capability by specifying the& ui= dwa_lite argument when he opens the mail file. 尽管Ted也使用相同的模板,但他在打开邮件文件时可以通过指定&ui=dwalite参数选择使用新的LotusDominoWebAccessLite模式。
The Status update form name field can be used to specify a custom form that is used when status update messages for this workflow application need to be rendered in the user's mail file. 当这个工作流应用程序的状态更新消息需要在用户的邮件文件中显示时,可以使用Statusupdateformname字段指定一个所需的定制表单。
Likewise, when a user deletes a message that is linked to a DAOS-enabled database, the full size of the message is removed from the mail file quota. 同样,当一个用户删除一个被链接到启用DAOS的数据库的消息时,该消息的完整大小将从邮件文件配额中移除。
First, let's look at the performance effect of mail file size. 首先,看一下邮件文件的大小对性能产生的影响。
The Out of Office agent stores configuration information in a Profile document in the user â™ s mail file. 离开办公室代理在用户的邮件文件中的简要表(Profile)文档中存储配置信息。
We studied the effect of having local replica users as opposed to server-based mail file users. 我们研究了使用本地副本用户而不是基于服务器的邮件文件用户。
Some general ideas may be to write an Ajax-friendly IBM Lotus Domino Web Access page that automatically retrieves the user's mail file and displays it dynamically on the page. 一些通用思想可用于编写Ajax友好的IBMLotusDominoWebAccess页面,用于自动检索用户的邮件文件并将它动态地显示在页面中。
If you have Designer or Manager rights to your mail file, you can modify this agent by double-clicking it in the agent list. 如果具有对邮件文件的设计者或管理者权限,则可以通过双击代理列表中的邮件文件对其进行修改。
In addition, the administrator must enable the Full Admin Mode in the Lotus Domino Administrator client, after which he can open the user's mail file and enable the Out of Office agent or service. 此外,管理员必须在LotusDominoAdministrator客户机中启用FullAdminMode,然后可以打开用户的邮件文件并启用OutofOffice代理或服务。
This command should be issued on the home mail server of the mail file owner. 该命令应该在邮件文件所有者的主邮件服务器上发出。
Each mail file has10 users in the block mail list. 每个邮件文件在阻塞邮件列表中有10个用户。
The message is simply no longer in the recipient's mail file. 仅仅从收件人的邮件文件中删除该邮件。
This will allow you to enable the Out of Office for the original mail file owner. 这将允许您为原来的邮件文件所有者启动离开办公室代理。
You could now create a calendar entry or To Do item from a mail message, simply by dragging and dropping the message from any view in your mail file onto the Calendar or To Do bookmark. 现在可以从邮件消息中创建一项日程安排或者ToDo事项,只需要将消息从邮件文件的任何视图中拖放到Calendar或ToDo书签上。
How do larger mail file sizes affect system resources? 邮件文件大小增加如何影响系统资源?
When the user changes his or her name, AdminP changes the mail file owner field. 当用户更改他或她的名称时,AdminP就更改邮件文件所有者自己的域。
Reducing mail file size improves performance of view indexing, compact, backup and restore, and transaction logging. 减小邮件文件的大小可以提高视图索引编制、压缩、备份还原和事务日志记录的性能。
This notification sent by the Domino server triggers the Notes client to replicate the mail file, bringing the new message into the local mail replica. 由Domino服务器发送的通知将触发Notes客户机来复制邮件文件,并将新消息带到本地邮件副本中。
The average size of your mail file impacts how many resources your DPARs need to support your user population. 邮件文件的平均大小影响DPAR支持用户数所需的资源数量。
One of our code samples demonstrates the use of the Extension Manager by using a routine to trap updates to a specific mail file's calendar profile. 我们的示例代码之一展示了如何通过使用结束特定邮件文件的日历配置文件更新的例程来使用ExtensionManager。
When a user authenticates for the first time, the PHP application, after retrieving the session cookie, asks this agent for the location of the user's mail file. 用户首次进行身份验证时,PHP应用程序首先检索会话cookie,随后要求此代理提供用户邮件文件的位置。
The DAMO client will open and data will begin replicating from the Domino server mail file to the DAMO client. 打开DAMO客户机,然后开始把数据从Domino服务器邮件文件复制到DAMO客户机。
The mail file version number is incorrect. 邮件文件版本号不正确。
Word cannot save the mail file. word无法保存邮件文件。
Error writing mail file! 在写邮件文件时出错!
Your last email ended up in my junk mail file. 你的上一封电子邮件被放到了我的垃圾邮件文件中了。
The mail file data was corrupt or ended unexpectedly. 邮件文件数据已损坏或者带有意外终止符。
You should delete messages, empty the trash and compact your mail file or contact your Administrator for help. 您应该删除消息、清空垃圾并压缩邮件文件,或者和您的管理员联系以获得帮助。